Down from the sky

Whatever the moment, whatever the time, whatever the situation.
All you need to do,
All ya go to do,
well, figure it out yourself, twatter.


Crash test.
Never thought i would had my body do something like that one day.
Not sleeping at all, always doing something, always fighting.
Against homework, against shit happening, against my own body, against my own mind.
I must admit, i'm surprised myself i could pull out myself to this extent. Always fighting, always, always. Maybe i'll end up actualy fighting against someone, with my fists and kicks. After all, even though i'm amazed by my ability to support all of this pressure, i can still act, and always am, otherwise, things won't change, simple logic. Yet, when thoses crashes happened, i thought that it was maybe time to rest, and I did, for a whole afternoon. I feel like my body is a robot, and my mind is purely human, or shall we say " too human" ? I can still remember how those words shocked me when they were used to describe me. Too human? Just fucking human.
But one thing for sure, i didn't came from heaven, nor hell, depending of the point of view. There are no such things as miracles, and again, we're just humans.
Things are annoying. Things are pissing me off. Things keep ticking me from behind.
Too much, THAT is too much. What i need aren't wings. What I need, are bigger fist.
This is such a drag. Keep going, keep going, fool.
The Crushing is near.

Punk Lad


because sometimes you'll just do anything to hide a scar.

Touched, so much. Touch, too much. Touch, bad touch. Burn, to dust. Crush. Crush. Crush. Crush.

Fists clenched, grasping, crying out calling. God god knows, I'll never find those flames.

Nonsense, complete nonsense.

Scar. touch, have it.

Crush crush crush.

Sunday 'ill be gone.

i'm gonna run
i'm gonna win
i'm gonna do what i need to do
'cause it's time to be what I need to be
it's time to be what i need to be
you can't tell me what to do anymore
you can't tell me what to do anymore
now i'm free
now i'm free
now i'm free
oh yeah
-Free by V.A.S.T-


Tick tock tick tock tick tock.
Ce bruit, oppressant, nous a tous déjà énervé un moment ou l'autre. Répétitif, strident, il nous rappelle toujours qu'a n'importe quel moment, il y a une heure. Et savoir quel heure il est, c'est en être prisonnier. Passez une journée sans regarder une seule et unique fois l'heure. Si vous y mettez du votre, vous remarquerez déjà qu'en voulant éviter le contact visuel avec tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'heure, vous devriez vous cacher. L'heure est partout, il nous domine. Tout fonctionne en fonction de l'heure. La vie dépends de l'heure, elle est omniprésente. Pour voir quelqu'un, il faut une heure. Pour acheter et consommer, il faut une heure. Pour baiser, il faut une durée. On ne choisit pas notre temps, le temps lui même nous choisit. C'est pour cela que si vous le fuyez, il vous pourchassera. C'est normal après tout, on grandit dedans. on naît, et on a une heure. Difficile de s'en échapper.
Tick tock, tick tock.
Il se leva, et au lieu de se frayer un chemin parmi tout les autres êtres gisant sur le sol, il balaya tout sur son chemin d'un coup de pied. Tick tock, il prit le réveil entre ses mains, et comme pour se libéré intérieurement, il le fracassa contre le mur, de son poing.
Un fou? Non. Un visionnaire? pas du tout. Un simple réaliste. Un simple réaliste qui en as marre de dépendre d'autre chose que lui même. Un simple réaliste qui prône la liberté a l’état pure.
Un des êtres se leva a son tour, main dans la masse capillaire apocalyptique, les yeux a moitié couverts, essayant de discerner qui avait réalisé ce carnage. De son autre main il redressa ce qui couvrait son sexe.
"P'tain, qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?"
L'autre ne répondait pas. Il se contentait de sortir une cigarette et de l’allumer. il inhala un grand amas, et le recracha. il s’était affalé sur le canapé, la tête en l'air, laissant son corps nu a la vue de tous. Assis comme un conquérant, comme si rien ne pouvait l'atteindre.
Celui qui venait de se lever regarda autour de lui, avec beaucoup de mal. Il se décida a imiter l'autre présence en s'appropriant lui même sa clope. En recrachant sa première bouffée, il était mieux réveillé. C'est que la qu'il remarqua la trace rouge sur le mur. Une trace rouge sombre sur un mur rouge pale. En baissant la tête, il remarqua le réveil, détruit, recouvert lui aussi d'une trace rouge. Sachant a qui il avait a faire, il se retourna, et compris.
" Mec, pourquoi t'as fait ça?"
Sans bouger de la tête, en continuant a fixer le plafond, l'autre lui répondit:
"Fait quoi?
- Pourquoi t'as niqué le réveil? Tu vois pas qu'en plus tu t'es niqué la main?
- Ramène moi un bandage, et je t'expliquerais, comme d'habitude.
- Comme d’habitude, peut-être, mais tu as tellement souvent des attitudes tellement...
- Ramène ce putain de bandage."
Il s’exécuta. Il fouilla dans la cuisine qu'il connaissait si bien, même si il était pas chez lui. Il avait l'habitude de vivre dans cet appartement, qui officiellement deux personnes y habitent, mais officieusement c'est trois. A force d'y passer sa vie la bas, il considérait l'endroit comme sa propre maison, et il dormait avec la colocataire de celui qui avait besoin des bandages.
Il retourna dans la chambre ou les deux habitants étaient. L'homme était toujours sur son canapé, la tête fixant le plafond, clope au bec, tandis que la jeune femme elle gisait dans la le lit.
Il se rapprocha de son comparse blessé, et s'agenouilla pour le soigner:
"Ça te plais de faire ça?
- Euh, pas vraiment, mais si personne ne le fait, ce serait mauv...
- Ça te plais de faire ça oui ou non?
- euh, non
- ben le fait pas merde. je t'apprends quoi depuis une éternité? Dis ce que tu pense, fais ce que tu sens, mais bordel arrête de toujours m’obéir!"

( suite bientot )

Visual Audio Sensory Theater

Just look me into my eyes.
Look at me.
I dare you to say that i'm wrong.

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
the kind of feeling I've waited so long

Don't stop come a little closer
As we jam the rythm gets stronger
There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun
We were dancing all night long

The time is right to put my arms around you
You're feeling right
You wrap your arms around too
But suddenly I feel the shining sun
Before I knew it this dream was all gone

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
I wish this dream comes true

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
We'll make this dream come true

Why don't you play the game ?
Why don't you play the game ?
Daft Punk - Digital Love

Comme le décrit si bien cette musique, il nous arrive a tous d'avoir des rêves de ce que l'ont pourrait qualifier de "niais". Mais qu'est-ce que la niaiserie? Personnellement je trouve que c'est un mot qu'on a crée par ego pour rabaisser une chose qui nous arrive a tous, mais que l'ont assume pas. pourtant on le veut, au plus profond de nous, ressentir cela.
Apres tout, n'est-ce pas parfait? Un simple acte de la personne avec qui on possède certains sentiments pour nous faire sourire. C'est facile et très souvent gratuit.

Comme le décrit si bien ce morceau de Daft Punk, il m'est arrivé d'avoir un certain rêve, ou je partageais une scène complètement banale avec une certaine personne, dont le réveil fut tout simplement construit d'une grande déception.

Une simple scène, ou il était simplement sur le martela qui lui sert de lit, allongé sur le dos, l'ordinateur a coté de lui, une cigarette dans ma main, et elle a coté, avec pour seul moyen de recouvrir son habit naturiste un drap. Pour seul moyen de se couvrir, il porte un short déboutonné qui couvre a moitié son sexe. Il fait noir, et dans cette noirceur on ne voyait que la lumière rouge de la cigarette qui se consumait. La seule chose qu'on entendait, c’était leur respiration. De ses yeux rouges il fixait la fumée qui se dégageait de ce tube de plaisirs toxiques. Il fixait cette fumée, mais ne pensait qu'a ces mots:
This is the prime time of my life.
Elle gesticula, et lui passa son bras gauche sous le corps de celle qui l'accompagnait en ce moment. Il la tenait, comme un geste pour la protéger, ou plutôt comme pour réaliser qu'elle est bien la. Recrachant le dernier amas de fumée du tube, il écrasa cet objet dans son cendrier pour finalement connecter son regard a la sienne. Leur corps nu en contact, il pouvait sentir son odeur, sa chaleur. Il aimait cela, il aimait ce regard, il aimait le contact de sa main avec ses cheveux. mais ce qu'il aimait le plus, c’était ce simple geste. Un mouvement de la tête vers l'avant de sa part, et leur lèvres rentrent en contact.

Et la, le réveil. Pour une autre journée comme les autres. Une simple journée ou je devais m'occuper encore de papiers, de me déplacer en ville pour resoudres des conneries, de me déplacer pour voir des personnes que je vois juste par haine de l'ennui. j'ai beau revoir des personnes qui m'ont vu dans la même apparence physique que dans le rêve, je ne possède plus cette envie. Il y a beaux avoir de belles jeunes femmes partout, le regard que je leur portais autrefois n'est plus le même.
J'attends impatiemment seulement, 20 jours.
Seulement 20 jours.
Pour 3 nuits.

Invaders must die.


Having someone close to me die from cancer.
Still not solving my family issues.
Still not solving my financial issues.
getting harder to stand the distance.
Guess you could say i'm having an stress breakdown.
Yet i just know i'll just get away with.
After all, good times gonna come, eh?


Twisted, maybe.
Mad, maybe.
A Beast, we all are.

We all have goals in our life.
some of us want to make something out of their life.
Some of them want to change a point of view,
Some of them want to change a situation.
But some of us just want to live.
Some of us just want to survive.
No ambition, no big goals or shit like that.
It's not only a question of having balls, it's a question of knowing what you want to do.
Some people won't feel that they actualy lived if they didn't change anything,
While others would be satisfied with living, plain living.
After all, as long as we're happy, it doesn't matter, you did what you had to do.
You may didn't change anything, but it's stupid to judge that, as long as you were happy.
Happy, or satisfied.
I won't be satisfied by that.
I don't have such a great goal.
But i won't even be satisfied of my life if i don't achieve that goal.
because we all have a life's meaning.
Sometimes just living is the meaning.
But it's not mine.
It's not about changing the world.
It's just that one goal.
then, only then maybe, i may achieve the Paradise circus.

I light a cigarette cause i can get no sleep

Because we need.
We need Violence.

Did you already felt this need?
The need of making someone happy.
The need of simply talking to her.
The need of supporting her.
The need to be with someone.
did you already felt this way?
When you decided to change for someone.
When you decided to stop everything.
When you can't get no sleep.
I do now

Project Mayhem

Tatoo project: because a wing is more than a member, it's a symbol, a memento. A Wing is a Totem.

Insomnia, Stress, Pain, Sickness and Summer.
It's quite surprising i got theses when i'm suposed to have a break,
Guess that means it's not really easy to break from your chains, yet you can temporary free yourself from some.
It's getting hard to not be able to sleep. Being able to sleep is a sign to show that you're at peace.
Yet i'm not, i have my Stress.
The power he has over mine, his authority, his blood,
Stress of the beggining of adulthood, responsability.
Stress of still fearing what moves he reserves.
It all goes down to Pain.
The Fear of pain is understandable because of it's variety.
There is Pain, and there is pain.
People are not really afraid of death, they're either afraid of not living enough, or of the pain of dying. And because there are so many ways of feeling pain, this is why we fear it.
Cut, a punch, a dislocated arm, or ripping an arm. each method has it own intensity of dose.
And surely because there is corporal pain, and moral pain.
We don't realise how much feeling without pain is good until it strikes.
And then, when it's constantly here, you can get used to it, but you can't forget it's here.
It's all connected. Everthing is connected.
My pain, due to my stress and moral pressure, caused my insomnia.
And my insomnia helps me wonder about usefull or unusefull things.
Now the sun is rising, and here i am, laying down on my matress, with my earphone and a smoke, writing and stuff, passing time.
Planning of what i'm going to do when people will wake up.
One thing that I know, is that there will be the same fucking everyday fight with him.
So why not releave our stress, spent our accumulated energy to punch.
it's one way to ease ourselves.
You can mindlessly fight someone, not to show who's the strongest, just to ease yourself.
Just don't fuck things up.
Or you could stress out being with the one,
Sadly she's not there.
I don't have any shame to admit it, it's hard to live without her after this one week.

I can still remember that morning, or should i say afternoon,
after a wild party, after a night with a new found friend and old ones.
One call, and anger mixed up with tears flowed into me.
Knowing that there's worse won't solve things up, all you have to do is fight back.
A punch received, a punch flying away.
One call from her, and things eased.
Fuck I miss her


Exam result: 8 knots on my colum.
A stressed people usualy have two.
Great, just, great.

In your room

There i was,
Lying on your window.
We were listening to Depeche mode.
There i was,
Smoking, singing:
"I'm hanging on your words
living on your breath
feeling with your skin
Will I always be here"
There i was,
Gazing upon your body, with those blonde hair of yours.
Tracing and drawing your curves with my eyes.
There we were,
Listening to Moby - Hotel.
Having my arm around your shoulder,
Sliding my face against yours.
There we were,
Body against body,
Woman on a man,
A blonde girl from paris and a Stray punk,
Even though it sucks,
Even Though it's not our style,
We were free.

There we were,
lying down on your courtyard,
There we were,
Happy, just happy.

All I want is just one more cigarette.
One more cigarette in Paris, with you.

Paris makes me feel like dancing

This blog is more than one year old. Great.

First of all, grab a smoke, pour me some coffee, and let's on with it.

I am what they call theses days somebody who's more into "open relationships", in other words, someone who never settles downs, like a nomad. This was my lifestyle for one whole year.
Being free of the rules than a relationship cast upon you is great. Nothing to justify, no jealousy, no nothing. For one year, i could feel it, who much i was free from what everybody around me searches for. It's not that it's not my style, it's just how I feel. This once and forever rule of union wasnj't made for me, and it still isn't.
Each person has it's own caracteristics. You can easly guess them but analysing them, or simply talking to them.
You might find some friendly, but be aware of what you actualy generaly talk about, you'll realise there's no depth in it.
Be aware of what you might call love, you can be mistaken so easly.
Be aware, you might be able to throw out your life for someone, and it's not actual love.
It's a strong bond.
There, we're getting to the main point. What's the difference between a Strong Bond and love?
In love, there's also sexual attraction.
But you can fuck with a strong bond, you just have to be very mature to support it.
Complicated yeah i know.
But after all, aren't humains, the race knowed as the one who likes to complicate things up? if not fuck it up?
Actualy, the wrong part, the SO human part of all this, is the wish to label everything, everyone.
Why not rely only on feelings?
What do you feel in yours guts?
I have to admit, this is how i realised, after a long time getting to know her, when she asked me clearly if she was important to me, that yes, she is.
And this week and a half i spent with her in paris could only tell me that it's true, i can say it.
I love her.


Coconut flavored spliff

chez Loup


Can i Scream?
Yes i can, and this i what i did for the past months.
Screaming, yelling, shouting.
Sometimes when you can't scream, you can't express yourself.
Stress, and you can't expect anyone to listen.
You can hold every answers needed, sometime the only choice is time.
So I did, i waited, patiently, while the only thing i could do was screaming.
Screaming and changing.
People change, always, no wonders in that.
Even if they loved the way they were.
But heck, you can get bored of it.
So I changed, i made, again, new friends.
Again, i fell onto this world.
smoking spliff all afternoon, going out at midnight, this was my usual schedule.
Then, in some days, i changed my horizons.
I wouldn't care anymore of others shit, however related they are to me.
I stopped smoking for a time. Stayed on the usual smoke and coffee.
No more fucking around, just taking care of my health and my brain.
Then, exams passed, family was reunited again, for the good or the bad.
but all i did for my own good was smoking a cigarette.
Just a Fucking cigarette.
Now, all i have to wait for are results.
Monday and Tuesday i'll have them.
In one week from one, Alan's coming back.
and in some time, i'll see again the one who was always here the whole year.
I'm quite ashamed of myself, because for some time, i forgot the one thing that i cherished.
Skies of desire.
Now, wearing an old pair of jeans and a black tank top, i lean again my window,
with a coconut flavored spliff.
Regaining what made Marco as Marco.
Being confident, crushing others, being a bastard, no holding back in my words.
Summer time.
It's time to gain again my drug.
Being Stray
Being Happy.
Because sometimes, all you need is being stray.
Walking on Montpellier's empty downtown streets.
Drinking with some friends on a empty parking lot.
writing up gibberish on the walls.
Feeling powerful.
Now people reconise me as the " Wild haired, black tank top wearing, smoking bastard"
It's cool, smooth, feeling free again.
Feeling allmighty sice midnight till sunrise.
Being up in the black streets
Gazing upon the sky with some people.
Gazing upon the Skies of desire.


I'm just loosing control of it
so i might as well enjoy it.
3 days, 3 new groups.
High school, JAPD, Place d'Antigone.
Might as well ditch everything out and just fucking enjoy it
But it's really annoying


In the white freeze never spoke of tears
Or opened up to anyone including myself

I would like to
Find a way to open to you
Been a while, don't know if I remember how to

I'm here waiting on the edge
Would I be alright showing myself to you
It's always been so hard to do

No regret 'cause I've got nothing to lose

Stray, always stray, always.
No chains, but that doesn't means no bounds.
Just a backpack, a few shirts and stuffs, a pack of smokes and the moon as a lady.
Take on the roads and the streets, for those are your flat
And sky itself is your roof.
i'm waiting, waiting.
I just want to stray again.
Stray, and no chains,

I only want more pastis

-H and A, good friends of mine-

Damn it has been a long time since i saw them.
Two friends, two souls, together for years and maybe ever.
Two different origins.
Two, yet one.
It has been a long time since i ever felt the feeling of a mate.
Friends? yes
Good Friends? yes
Best friends? yes
But how about a soul mate?
Not the love stuff, it's useless. It truly is.
The only thing we need, is one
only one soul mate
and he's a friend
Just a friend.

Just This

They'll be making sure you stay amused
They'll fill you up with drugs and booze
Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
In the end, the only thing that will stays in theses are the aspects of blood.
Bloodshot eyes.

But We just want to feel.
We want to feel alive.
I want.
and then,
Heart attack


There she was, in the middle of the private bar called cabaret.
She came alone, and she wanted to exit with some company.
She just wanted to feel beautiful, knowing perfectly that no one cared, as long as she was fuckable.
So there she was, dancing in the middle of the stage. Hotty, she was shaking.
With the Trancegenererated Acidphase of the beat, she saw the one man.
With many people around him, all sharing a drink.
Booze, smokes, pills and loud music.
They ahd the night that many dreams to have.
They had the night she dreamed to have.
yet he looked bored.
He had the same look of someone who got used to what he's doing.
And it was true.
But then, he stood up. Finished his smokeand drink, and started staring at her.
His eyes made her stop.
The whole air stopped at his footsteps.
He held her.
he kissed her
and then he took her to the back room.
The room of pleasure.
but there, she couldn't feel what she wanted.
All she could feel was pain.
No love, no suave feelings.
Just plain rough sex.
and the night ended here
because that's a students night

Rockin' On

Let's get this Over with, will we?

teenage pleasures

This is what's all about.
Smoke, drink, pill, fashion and action.
And then you go down, down, down.
All i want is some noise.
Some Boys Noize

Lady fascination

It's a lady fascination
A teenage getaway
What ever your lady is
May it be Smokes, drugs or women
It's a fascination

I Find it Kind of Funny


And it's kind of sad, it's just like that.
Always trying to find a new source of fun
In the end, it's always the same.
So let's just find it, the ones, the pleasures.
Share it, steal it, destroy.
We, are coming first
We are

Mad World

One Fucking memorable Night.
two fucking coincidences.
a Great week.
Lots happened here:
- Meetin'g Tommy Tea and Alexis from Death Crew 77, smoking some weed with them. We just couldn't realise it, but it was true.
- one hour before the gig, they saw us, they went towards us and shoke our hands.
- The gig... just wow. I just can't write more than this, besides that it will be carved into my memory forever.
- after the gig, the fucking backstage. We sat, we drank, we smoked with them.
- then saying good bye

During this night, i couldn't think of anything, there was no need to think, to waste time, only because

I didn't lost myself,
I had found myself

And it couldn't have been better without you. It was good, real good. Sharing this gig with you, or thursday night, with Sam, Katie Georgina, emily, Caetan. I can only say that it was good, short, but good. Bruxxels summer time, prepare yourself.

Just like Kelly said:

Everything is carved in our memories.

Death Crew 77

W - word

Hate it if you must
But let me enjoy this


J'y vis encore, je vis, et c'est toujours la meme surprise.
Et commencer par voir si c'est pour aujourd'hui, en quel honneur elle viendra.
J'vis toujours des moments. Rapides, lent, on s'en fou, on en profite,
Bien ou mal, tant qu'à faire, c'est mieu que l'ennui.
Etudier la plume d'une main, la cigarette de l'autre.
Où fumer avec une parisienne sur le toit d'un HLM.
Pas presentable, pas forcement joli comme moment,
Mais le charme de ce moment est ce qui compte.
Alors courrons, courrons avec le vent. Rappellons-nous toujours de cela.
Partons, toi, moi, eux, on s'en fou, qui nous plait. Suivons les, que eux.
Ces nuages, formes envoutantes des cieux.
Les Cieux des desirs.
Créons ensemble de bons moments, long ou courts, on s'en fou.
La seule chose sur quoi on s'attachera sera nos memoires.
Il pleut de l'or, a chaque fois que tu me parle d'amour.
Tant pis, tant mieux, on s'y fait. je m'y plait a ces gouttes lourdes.
Je peux m'y prélasser, me laisser fusiller par cet eau.
De la nuit jusqu'a l'aurore. Tout ce dont j'ai besoin, c'est d'air.
Et l'air, je dois le changer, le varier, le gouter.
Comme les femmes, ou les hommes. Si facil a manipuler, mais j'en depends.
Je gache ce corps pour tout cela; que ce soit en fumant, buvant ou je ne sais quoi encore.
Plaisirs, memoires, bonheur, moments, on s'en fou, tant que ca me plait
Tell me how you're gonna live without theses? J'ai envie de dire
But i ain't gonna be just a face in the crownd,
you're gonna hear my voice when i shout it out loud:


Skies- 25 03 2010

Bad news

Finaly somebody worth my time
Finaly somebody whom only
presence appease me.


No words stronger than this one.
This is what i feel.
Screaming my guts out, to try to ease this feeling. Screaming with all my might.
Worse than a sound, a noise. A noise carrying everything in it.
tears went along.
Blood came along
But the Pain was supreme.
And now i know, that it will last till the end of my life
Oh joy.


If you having girl problems I feel bad for you son


I just realised that my life, since i got here in france, was always concerned with those words. Since i've arrived, i've always aimed for action, may it be good or bad. I just never wanted to be bored, and i never got. It may have happened, but i just don't remember those periods. That's what essential. Enjoy, remembering that i'm alive.
It's funny
Remembering that i'm alive, as if i doubted my existence.
I am alive.
I feel it.
People feel it.
People will remember. Not Eternally, but they will.
I am restless, i need my action.

This is why i fear it.

The only two thing i ever and will ever fear: dying too young, and not being able to move anymore.
Seems like i'm going to suffer typo 2.
Seems like i'll have the same thing that my mother suffers.
20 years she is constantly suffering from it.
The back.
It started for me. 4 days the constant pain is striking me.
it was a big surprise, but i have to admit it. If i'm going to be like my mother, i can't.
She started at 30, if it happens, i'll start at 18.
Fuck, this is the one thing i'm fearing.

On Another side, shit's been pilling up
But like they say,
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one

true enough. A bitch, nice name, nice ring to it.
We may call it like that.
What am I talking about? Who's the bitch?

Life is

Life's a bitch, but one thing that is for sure.
She may be a bitch, but she is so worth it.
All i got to say now is:


I prefer yelling than acting.
You'll be surprise what anyone could do.
I'm surprised.
I'm surprise by myself.



The Bloody Beetroots
Death Crew 77

More than a group. a Rythm. Every beat, is a movement, my own beat. Every single words, are simple yet true words. " I Just want". That's it, i just want it, no further explanation needed. Simple life for a complex organism. Every beat, is a way of flowing. Awesome, Cornelius, Warp 1.9, Warp 7.7, Anacletus, Theolonidus ( King Vodoo), Dimmakmmunication, Public Enemy, 2nd Streets have No Name, We are From Venice, Domino and finaly...Warp 1977.



Simple as that, no sweat. This is just another world. Another world comming into ours. Or surely it's juste me listening to it that way. I've never been that much into a group. It's amazing. I don't consider Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo a god or whatsoever, but i do realise that he is mad skilled. He didn't made that sound "just for me", he made it for him, and for the world. I just feel it my own way, and it's worth an orgasm.

A place, A sound
A Getaway.

A place? Corum's roof. Wind. Smoke. Being only a human being dominated by the sky.
The Sky
Skies of desire.
a Sound? Cornelius, We Are From Venice, Warp 1977

A special number for me now. And Now what? I'm going to share this special moment with someone special. So special that she bears the title of Strong bond. Fuck it Shana. This is going to blow.

corum's roof



Religion is not The Opium of the People.

Opium Is


Be Yourself

Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only pain
Someone tries to hide himself
Down inside himself he prays
Someone swears his true love
Until the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united?
Healthy or insane?
To be yourself is all that you can do

And even when you've paid enough, been pulled apart or been held up
With every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck
don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright

You may win or lose

But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do


Okay, deuxième tentation a un article en Français, voyons ce que ca donne:

Est-ce si dur que cela d'être soi-même? Est-ce si dur de savoir comment on fonctionne? Non, ce ne l'est pas. Et pourtant, peu le sont, peu le savent. C'est si triste. Manque d'assurance. Manque de confiance. Peur. Paranoïa. Crainte. Changement. C'est Normal, c'est des étapes. Des simples étapes vers un but.
Un But
Toujours un but, même si on s'en rends pas compte. On peut en trouver partout. Un but peut même se trouver après avoir déjà commence d'entreprendre un certain chemin.Et pourtant, vous avez peur du changement.
Et quand un malheur vous tombe dessus, vous blâmez les autres.Les autres. Bien sur, même Sartre le disait, "l'enfer c'est les autres". Mais est-ce vraiment leur faute? Bien sur, c'est des facteurs, certainement même des raisons. Mais si on était différent a ce moment la, la conséquence n'aurait-elle pas changée? J'en doute absolument pas. Pas tout dépends de nous, mais nous sommes nos propres responsables.
Il t'a manipulée? Et si tu étais plus forte, plus sure de toi, cela n'aurait-il pas changer?
Et la on arrive a ceux qui blâment la bonne personne, ceux qui se blâment eux-même. Et ça veut pas changer, ca a peur, ca dis qu'on peut pas comprendre... D'accord. Tant que tu ne dise jamais, que t'es le seul a qui ca arrive et que ta vie est insignifiante.

C'est Idiot, je me donne a moi-meme mes propres conseils, histoire de toujours me rappeller comment je marche. Pas besoin d'un guide detaille pour savoir comment notre organisme moral fonctionne, mais quelques notes sont toujours de bon conseils.

Fuck it all, forget her, Hit him. Enjoy

Trouble Trouble

Trouble is fun
Trouble is bad
Trouble makes you feel alive.

Oui, bon, pour une fois, j'ecris en francais. je ne vais pas changer mes habitudes completement, c'est a dire pour les fautes, les accents et autres complexitees de l'ecriture francais, faites avec.

C'etait previsible apres tout. J'avais tout prevu, toutes menaces, toutes propositions. Et pourtant, le fait d'en arrive jusqu'a la, ca m'a quand meme destabilise. Et pourtant, je connaisais deja mes reponses. Prevoir c'est une chose, l'assumer s'en est une autre.Et je savais que j'allais encore une fois passer par une "crise". Des crises qui m'ont toujours impressionne, par l'effet que ca peut provoquer sur un corps, par le simple pouvoir de cette chose qu'on appelle le Cerveau. Et comme je l'ai toujours dis, " ne jamais sous-estime le pouvoir du cerveau". J'ai beau avoir des phrases pour tout, je ne les applique pas toujours, pour le simple fait que je ne pense pas.
Et je savais pas que j'irais aussi loin,
j'ai pourtant deja depasse mes limites avec les mots, et j'en garde une tres belle marque.
mais physiquement? je ne suis jamais alle TROP loin. Loin certes, mais jamais de trop. J'ai deja frapper avec l'intention de m'amuser, dans l'intention de faire du mal pour provoquer le regret des actes des autres, et tellement d'autres raisons. Je prends mon pieds a cela, faire du mal a certaines personnes. Russian roullette on pourrais dire, avec une grande dose d'egoisme. Mais la, j'en reviens pas...
Mais la reaction des gens m'impressionne. Une en a rapidement derive de la question, l'autre s'est inquiete sur mon etat juridique et ce qui pourrait m'arriver a cause de cela, et la derniere sur mon etat moral. Mais dans ce genre de situation, on a besoin d'une voix, pas d'ecrit. J'en ai donc parler a une personne que je connaisais a peine. Et elle m'a ete d'un grand support. Et elle m'en as parler des siens. Et 'est impresionnant ce qu'une personnepeut vivre. Surtout une si belle personne, si sympathique et fetarde. C'etait impresionnant. L'etre humain est impresionnant, aussi previsible et comprehensible qu'il est.

Merci Angie, Merci Caroline, Merci M.
Merci Shana...

This is just weird. French is just not my natural language. I doesn't matter how good i am with it, it's just not confortable, just not like myself. Evene if recently, i never felt "frenchier" than before, it's just too weird.

Oh well, now i got something to cheer up on. Like maybe...

le Mardi 06 Avril 2010 à 20h00

And the fact that i am changing. She may be toyin', she may be true. But damn she changed me
