Come as you are

Little Psycho Bastard
evolved into
Psycho Bastard
A new Step, a new Story,
A new life,
Full of shit, full of glee,
But who gives a shit, let's enjoy the show

I became eighteen. This was a huge step. I thought that the night where i changed would be awesome, yet it snowed, so all plans had to be canceled. My brother went to see some friends, and i stayed at home. Actually, it was best that i stayed, because this night became a symbol for me.

Cooked, cleaned, loud music, a good time.
Some friendly chats, so time reading my comics, a time where i was cooled down.
Yet, when we started taling seriously, it was midnight. It's official, i'm an adult. to celebrate that, a smoke. and then we talked, we danced, we laughted. I made a new line of jokes, and boy that felt good.

then, when I talked about the NE THING that makes me cry, i cryed. I thought to myself that i wouldn't, yet it's still the one thing, and not for naught. But that felt good. I even shared the best musics, that even that i don't listen ofently, are the ones.

Thanks for being here,
it's official,
you're my Strong Bond.

Thanks, Shana


so then, here i share with you tonight the song that i realised that is worth knowing. You all know Nirvana, and i know how purists are. Yet listen, listen and enter into the cosmos that the best artist ever created with his best skill: his voice. he's not that knowed internationaly, but he's worth knowing.

Come as you are, as you were,
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy

Take your time, hurry up
Choice is yours, don't be late
Take a rest as a friend as an old memory.

Come dowsed in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend, as an old memory.

With that, i say to you all good night.
See you again,

The fucked up bastard

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