
You can\t take it with you
Dancing for your pleasure

You are not to blame for
Bittersweet distracter
Dare not speak its name
Dedicated to all human beings

Because we separate like ripples on a blank shore
In rainbows
Because we separate like ripples on a blank shore

Take me with you
Dedicated to all human beings

reckoner- Gnarls Barkley


This is kind of amazing, how a simple song can ease your mind. For a long time, and i can recall when was the last time, my mind is cool. It's just like watching clouds pass by, it's a cure. Just like all the pressure, all the remarks that stained this long lost ease just vanishes.
That song, is recknoner, sang by Gnarls Barkley. It's actualy a cover song, originaly written by Radiohead. Cee-lo is just amazing in it, his voice is fucking perfect for it.
THis feeling is comming back
This ease
This shallowness
this emptyness that for a long time i knew too much
I suffered a long time from it, yet this time, i know that it doesn't matter. 24hours till now, and she will be here, and that, is what matter.
No piece, no artifices can beat that.

even though i love to be alone, in my confortable surf short, and smoke while listening to this tune.

This, is what i call ease

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